This has not even been publicly announced yet, but as readers of Home Brew Audio, you and I get special pre-announcement notice. How cool is that? So what are these new items? Zynaptiq UNCHIRP Plug-in Electronic Download - (Codec Artifact Removal … [Continue reading] about Brand New Audio Gear at B&H – Shhhh!
How Do You Overdub When The Audio Is Delayed?
Someone sent me and email asking why he was hearing his voice two seconds after he spoke/sang into the microphone (this kind of delay is called "latency," if you care:)). My first thought was that he must be trying to record with a really old sound … [Continue reading] about How Do You Overdub When The Audio Is Delayed?
Different Ways To DeEss A Vocal Recording
The term "deEss" or "de-ess" refers to editing an audio recording - usually of a voice - when the "S" (and sometimes "sh" and "th," etc.) sounds (technically called "sibilance") seem much too loud in relation to to rest of the vocal. It involves … [Continue reading] about Different Ways To DeEss A Vocal Recording
The Snap Tool In Reaper: The Benefits And Possible Pitfalls
We have a video on YouTube showing how to use a built-in tool in Reaper (ReaFir) as an excellent noise removal tool (that video is here: Hidden Noise Reduction Tool in Reaper). Interestingly, we received a comment on that video today that said "Dude … [Continue reading] about The Snap Tool In Reaper: The Benefits And Possible Pitfalls
New Audio Recording Gear
Brand new inventory arrived today (August 14th, 2014) at B&H Photo-Video-Audio! I love new stuff:). Below are the new goodies: Sanken CSR-2 Rear Rejection Shotgun Microphone Audio-Technica System 10 - Camera-Mount Digital … [Continue reading] about New Audio Recording Gear