Discusses a synthesizer from the early 1980s, the Sequential Circuits Inc Pro-One. It was a very popular machine and answered a lot of dreams for keyboard players. It was the first of it’s kind to be offered at an affordable price point. Explanation … [Continue reading] about Back to the Future: Sequential Circuits Pro-One
The Right DJ Controller For You
With technology bridging the gap between instruments and computers there are quite a lot of choices to make. For a music producer or DJ finding the right one is the key. Although controllers don't generally make any sounds they are used to control … [Continue reading] about The Right DJ Controller For You
How To Use EQ, Compression and Saturation on the Master Bus
There are multiple ways to start mixing and start balancing, but a great way to begin is to simply listen to the song and listen to what you hear with all faders up.That way you notice immediately if anything is too loud or too quiet. As you’re … [Continue reading] about How To Use EQ, Compression and Saturation on the Master Bus
Recording 101: The 3:1 Rule
The 3:1 rule is oft-quoted, but it's also a bit misunderstood. The rule is based upon the use of multiple microphones recording multiple (usually) instruments, and recording everything at the same time. There is quite a lot of misinformation about … [Continue reading] about Recording 101: The 3:1 Rule
How To Record A Bowed Upright Bass
A member of the string family, the upright bass, also known as the double bass is the lowest pitched string instrument going as low as B0 (31Hz) on its five string version. Recording this instrument can be quite tricky because of its low tone, you … [Continue reading] about How To Record A Bowed Upright Bass