What is the best USB mic in 2017? According to a joint effort by Engadget and the Wirecutter, one USB mic triumphs as the best. There are tons of them on the market, and I've reviewed a few (see My Review Of The Blue Spark Digital USB And iOS … [Continue reading] about The Best USB Mic
Loopmasters – Future Bass Generation Review at Computer Music Magazine
The Future Bass Generation is 1.6 GB of tough, cone shaking loops. There are also 20 stemmed drum loops. Along with that are some construction kits. There are many different formations that can be tried out with this product. It is definitely worth … [Continue reading] about Loopmasters – Future Bass Generation Review at Computer Music Magazine
Loopmasters – Dimensions – Experimental Soundscapes Review at Computer Music Magazine
Dimensions is 5 gigs and one of the biggest libraries yet. The 441 samples are about a minute long. There is so much to explore here and it got a nine out of ten rating based on how much people enjoy it and the use they can get out of it. The main … [Continue reading] about Loopmasters – Dimensions – Experimental Soundscapes Review at Computer Music Magazine
Music and Audio Terminilogy
If you have ever found yourself wondering what those three letter acronyms or all that music jargon actually meant, then you are not alone. It isn't enough that that the audio recording and music worlds are choking on weird jargon and bizarre terms, … [Continue reading] about Music and Audio Terminilogy
Using Reaper's ReaTune For Vocal Harmony
To record vocal harmony, the most basic thing to do is have a human sing each part and put those parts on their own tracks in audio recording software. If you can do it that way, it is arguably the best and most preferable method of doing it. But you … [Continue reading] about Using Reaper's ReaTune For Vocal Harmony