A new software that has been released by Output Inc has taken digital music making to an entirely new level, providing producers with tools and capabilities never before seen. The software provides an array of brass and wind sounds to get whatever atmosphere you want, and blends the traditional with the non-traditional to produce sounds that work perfectly in sync with the lyrics, and are sure to take those who hear it for a pleasant surprise.
Key Takeaways:
- Output Inc. has announced its release of a new virtual instrument, dubbed,”The Next Level Air Instrument,” called Analog Brass & Winds.
- Output Inc, CEO Greg Lehrman notes,”we live taking something traditional and flipping it on its head.”
- The company's intention was to build a VST that was part synth and part ensemble, so the result is detuned and raw,
“The meticulously sampled recordings range from traditional techniques to wildly unusual ones.”