If your dream is to be a music artist or to mix music, you may be tempted to buy the biggest and newest tape mixing system. However, you do not need a lot of fancy gadgets to get the job done. There are some things that you will want to have or upgrade on your system to maximize your capabilities though. First, you will want to max out your RAM to keep the system operating smoothly. Then, you will want to get an external hard drive to record to and use solid state drives for better performance.
Key Takeaways:
- In the “old” days of DAWs – how much RAM you had really didn’t’ matter. This was because the operating systems and DAWs weren’t 64 bit, and they could only allot a certain amount of RAM (memory) to any one program at a given time
- Do not record to or mix from your internal system drive, the same hard drive that has your operating system and DAW installed on it.
- If you want your DAW to have as much power as possible, then for goodness sakes, please close all other programs and applications when recording and mixing!
“The short answer is: no. The computer you already have is probably fine.In fact, as of this writing I’m still rocking a 6 year old Mac Mini in my studio. I did, however, just do some upgrades to it that have helped a lot.”