Although the vocals are always one of the things people notice in a song, during the setup for the song they receive less attention. Mikes can show the difference between a good singer and a bad or inexperienced singer. With a good singer, just placing them in front of the mike brings out the quality of the song but not with a bad or inexperienced singer. That is why starting with the correct technique is essential. Some of the things to remember during setup of the mike are that one needs to experiment with different mikes; sometimes the best mikes don’t give the best results. You have to place the mike stand on a rug or another stand so as to prevent frequencies interfering with the sound due to vibration from things like a truck passing by. Also, one needs to try to eliminate pops, lip smacks and breath blasts from the placement of the mike. These tips would hopefully help the sounds to come out well.
Key Takeaways:
- When a song is being listened to, the vocals are always among the things in the spotlight but during setup they receive less attention.
- When one has a good singer standing before the mike, one will get a good sound automatically the moment he starts to sing.
- One tip is not to be afraid to do experiment with different types of mikes because sometimes the best mikes don’t necessarily give the best vocal sounds.
“Place the mic even with the vocalist’s nose and have the him sing the verse of a song.”
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