It’s been a few years since the initial tutorial course for audio recording beginners – The Newbies Guide To Audio Recording Awesomeness 1: The Basics With Audacity – was released. And as will happen, the software we teach you to use in that course, the free recording program called Audacity, has been updated several times in the interim. Today’s version, Audacity 2.0.5, has been so altered from the original that the videos in the course refer to menu items and audio effect locations that do not even exist any longer:-P. THAT is not very helpful, is it?
This first course is designed not only for people who have little or no experience recording audio, but also for people who have no budget for gear or software. I even recorded the audio narration for the first several lessons using that same budget – essentially somewhere around $0 to MAYBE $5 for a computer microphone that you plug into your computer’s sound card. I did that so you could get an idea how even the most basic no-frills, no cost home recording studio (your computer with free software) can sound.
[NOTE: The updated course was completed in Jan 2015! No need to buy anything again, if you already bought the course. The old videos have simply been replaced with the new ones. If you would like to purchase the course, visit the page here: The Newbies Guide To Audio Recording Awesomeness 1: The Basics With Audacity] So I am going through each video in each lesson and updating it so that it is consistent with the latest version of Audacity. This is pretty tedious work, so it will take another couple of weeks to complete the updated and revised edition. But I will publish the each new video as I complete them. That way you won’t have to wait until the entire course is updated before you start benefiting from the updates.
[Latest status: As of Dec 2nd 2014, Lessons 1 through 7 (15 videos) have been updated.]
I will keep you apprised of my progress as the milestones are met.
How is this project coming along?
Dan. Lesson 4 is now done. The videos up to that point have all been replaced in the course. Moving on to Lesson 5.
The course is completely done now! All videos have been replaced with the new versions. So there is no need to buy anything again if you already bought the course. Enjoy!