Below is yet another home recording question that has become so common on Yahoo Answers. Folks want to record themselves at home and want to get started on a fairly tight budget. I have yet to see a question like: “Hey we want to start recording our band at home and would like suggestions on how to spend $20,000 to set up a home recording studio.”
Anyway, the person who answered the question referenced this article:, which does not give bad advice on the equipment it recommends, but you’d need over $1,000.00 just to put together what they call the “starter studio.” Great googly-moogly!!! The guy asked for a frugal studio, right there in the title of his post. Let’s just say I think it’s crazy to drop a thousand clams on a “starter” studio. See the Home Brew Audio answer at the end of this post.
Q: I’m in a band and we are toying with the idea of recording in our own home studio… We need ideas to get the most for our money… Any suggestions?
A: Here is a cool little article on setting up a home studio with price in mind:
I got it off that site, it’s a great little community with tons of information and people who really know what they’re doing.
Should help 🙂
Here is the Home Brew Audio answer:
First of all ,if you’re just starting out, there is absolutely no need to spend more than about $200 max! YHou can always add equipment as you need it. For some really good step-by-step instructions on setting up your own computer-based studio, see our 5-part series called (duh) “How To Build A Home Recording Studio.”
it may sound dumb but ebay gets you great deals, just search audio,recording,studio,music,or soundboards. anything similar to these searches will also help.
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this is a mic with a 1/4 inch in and has software too
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Here is a cool little article on setting up a home studio with price in mind:
I got it off that site, it’s a great little community with tons of information and people who really know what they’re doing.
Should help 🙂
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